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Practice Questions for CAT Algebra with Solutions

1. CAT - Functions

If x is a positive real number then the minimum value of (x + 7) (x + 19)/(x + 3) is:

Correct Answer


2. CAT - Functions

If f(x) = x– 7x and g(x) = x + 3, then the minimum value of f(g(x)) – 3x is

(CAT 2021)

1. -16

2. -15

3. -12

4. -20

Correct Answer

1. -16

3. CAT - Functions

If 3x + 2 |y| + y = 7 and x + |x| + 3y = 1, then x + 2y is:

(CAT 2021)

1. 8/3

2. -4/3

3. 1

4. 0

Correct Answer

4. 0

4. CAT - Functions

Find the range of (x2 + 4x + 8)/(x2 + 4x + 5)

Correct Answer


5. CAT - Inequalities

Find the sum of all negative integral values of x where |x – | x – 2 | + 3 | – 4 < 3

Correct Answer


6. CAT - Inequalities

Consider the function f(x) = (x + 4) (x + 6) (x + 8) ………….. (x + 98). The number of integers x for which f(x) is less than 0 are:

Correct Answer


7. CAT - Inequalities

How many integer values of x will satisfy this (x² – 16|x| + 60) / (x² – 14x + 49) < 0

Correct Answer

2 integer value of x

8. CAT - Inequalities

For how many positive integral values of k is (k-11)(k-15)(k − 19)… (k – 99) < 0?

Correct Answer


9. CAT - Inequalities

The number of integers n that satisfy the inequalities |n -60| < |n-100| < |n-20| is: 

(CAT 2021)

Correct Answer


10. CAT - Inequalities

Consider the pair of equations: x² – xy – x = 22 and y² – xy + y = 34. If x > y, then x – y equals (CAT 2021)

1. 8

2. 6

3. 4

4. 7

Correct Answer

1. 8

11. CAT - Inequalities

f(x) = (x² + 2x -15) /(x² – 7x – 18) is negative if and only if (CAT 2021)

1. x < -5 or 3 < x < 9

2. -5 < x < -2 or 3 < x < 9

3. x < -5 or -2 < x < 3

4. -2 < x < 3 or x > 9

Correct Answer

2. -5 < x < -2 or 3 < x < 9

12. CAT - Inequalities

Let k be a constant. The equations kx + y = 3 and 4x + ky = 4 have a unique solution if and only if (CAT 2020)

1. k ≠ 2
2. |k| = 2
3. k = 2
4. |k| ≠ 2

Correct Answer

 4. |k| ≠ 2

13. CAT - Series (AP & GP)

Consider 2 APs 2,6,10……. and 5,12,19………….If S is a set containing the first 100 members of each progression then how many distinct elements are there in S?

Correct Answer


14. CAT - Series (AP & GP)

Three positive integers x, y and z are in arithmetic progression. If y − x greater than 2 and xyz = 5 (x + y + z), then z − x equals: (CAT 2021)

1. 14

2. 10

3. 8

4. 12

Correct Answer

1. 14

15. CAT - Series (AP & GP)

a + b + c + d = 4 All a,b,c,d are integers Find minimum possible value of 1/a + 1/b + 1/c + 1/d

Correct Answer


16. CAT - Series (AP & GP)

If x, y and z are non – zero real numbers and 9x = 16y = 36z Find the value of 5[xz/(xy -yz) ]

Correct Answer


17. CAT - Series (AP & GP)

If a, b, c are non-zero and 14a = 36b = 84c, then 6b(1/c – 1/a) is equal to:

Correct Answer


18. CAT - Series (AP & GP)

How many 3 term geometric progressions can be made from the series 1, 3, 32, 33, …… 348?

Correct Answer


19. CAT - Logs

If loga30 = A, loga(5/3) = – B and log2 a = 1 /3, then log3 a equals: (CAT 2020)

1. 2/(A + B) – 3

2. 2/(A + B – 3)

3. (A + B)/2 – 3

4. (A + B – 3)/2

Correct Answer

2.  2 / (A + B - 3)

20. CAT - Logs

For a real number a , if (log15 a + log32 a) / [(log15 a)(log32 a)] = 4 then a must lie in range

1. 3 < a < 4

2. 2 < a < 3

3. 4 < a < 5

4. a > 5

Correct Answer

3. 4 < a < 5

21. CAT - Logs

If log2 [3 + log2 {4 + log4 (x – 1)}] – 2 = 0, then 4x equals: (CAT 2021)

Correct Answer


22. CAT - Logs

If 5 – log10 √(1 + x) + 4 log10 √(1 – x) = log10 (1/√(1 – x²), then 100x equals

Correct Answer


23. CAT - Logs

Log (x+3) (x² – x ) < 1

Correct Answer

(-3, -2) ∪ (-1, 0) ∪ (1, 3)

24. CAT - Equations

x² + 9x + |K| = 0, roots of this quadratic are integers. How many integral values of K are possible?

Correct Answer

9 integral values

25. CAT - Equations

The equation ax²+bx+c = 0 and 5x²+12x+13 = 0 have a common root where a,b,c are the side lengths of triangles ABC then find Angle C

Correct Answer


26. CAT - Equations

If r a constant such that |x² – 4x – 13| = r has exactly three distinct real roots, then the value of r is
(CAT 2021)

1. 17

2. 18

3. 15

4. 21

Correct Answer

1. 17

27. CAT - Equations

Suppose one of the roots of the equation ax² – bx + c = 0 is 2 + root13, where a, b and c are rational numbers and a is not equal to zero. If b = c³, then |a| equals to: (CAT 2021)

1. 4

2. 2

3. 1

4. 3

Correct Answer

2. 2

28. CAT - Equations

Let m and n be positive integers, If x² + mx + 2n = 0 and x² + 2nx + m = 0 have real roots, then the smallest possible value of m+ n is: (CAT 2020)

1. 5

2. 8

3. 7

4. 6

Correct Answer

4. 6

29. CAT - Equations

For natural numbers x, y and z, if xy + yz = 19 and yz + xz = 51, then how many such solutions are possible?

Correct Answer

30. CAT - Equations

Given that three roots of f(x) = x4 + ax2 + bx + c are 2, – 3 and 5, what is the value of a + b + c?

Correct Answer


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