DILR Condition Based Set 4

1. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

There are six professors A, B, C, D, E and F who each teach one of the subjects – Statistics, Behavioural Science, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Strategy Management and Risk Management, not necessarily in the same order. Each faculty takes two classes in the week except on Sunday. Only two classes can be scheduled on one day. No faculty likes to take two classes on the same day. A does not teach on Mondays and Fridays. C teaches on Tuesdays and Saturdays. E teaches on Thursdays and Saturdays. B teaches on Mondays and Thursdays. Every professor has to meet the director of the institute once a week for a review and on a day when he is not teaching. There can be only one review per day. F teaches on Mondays. The Marketing and Behavioural Science professors do not like to teach on weekends. They also do not have reviews on weekends. The Statistics professor has a weekly review on Thursdays and teaches on Saturdays. The Marketing professor is the only one who teaches on consecutive days but needs at least one day off after that to prepare for his review. D is the Behavioural Science professor. F does not have classes or the review on consecutive days. The Risk Management professor teaches on Fridays. The Strategy Management professor teaches on Saturdays.

Q1. When is B’s weekly review scheduled?
  1. Mondays
  2. Tuesdays
  3. Fridays
  4. Saturdays
Q2. Which of the following combinations (Faculty – Subject – Teaching day – Review day) is definitely false?
  1. B – Financial Accounting – Mondays and Thursdays – Saturdays
  2. D – Behavioural Science – Wednesdays and Fridays – Tuesdays
  3. E – Strategy Management – Thursdays and Saturdays – Mondays
  4. E – Financial Accounting – Thursdays and Saturdays – Mondays
Q3. When is the weekly review of D scheduled?
  1. Mondays
  2. Tuesdays
  3. Saturdays
  4. Cannot be determined
Q4. Who is the Financial Accounting professor?
  1. A
  2. F
  3. C
  4. None

Correct Answer 1

d. Saturdays

Correct Answer 2

d. E – Financial Accounting – Thursdays and Saturdays – Mondays

Correct Answer 3

d. Cannot be determined

Correct Answer 4

 d. None

2. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

Four persons A, B, C and D are playing a game of blindly picking the balls from a bag. This bag contains five balls, each of a different colour among Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and White, and these five balls fetch 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 points respectively. The game is being played in four rounds. In each round, each person randomly takes out one ball from the bag and places it back into the bag.Based on the colour of the ball, they have been given points as mentioned above. Further it is known that,

  1. each ball was picked by at least one person and each ball was picked a different number of times.
  2. none of A, B and C picked the same ball in any two rounds and the maximum points scored by any of A, B and C in all the four rounds put together are 12.
  3. among the four rounds, the maximum points were scored in round Ill and A picked the white ball in round III.
  4. in each of rounds I, III and IV no two players picked the same ball.
  5. the points scored by A and that by B in all the four rounds put together are equal.
  6. the green ball was picked more number of times than the white ball. The sum of the points scored by A in round I and that scored by D in round IV is 5.
  7. one of the five balls contributed a score of 20 to the total points scored in all the four rounds put together.
Q1. Which ball did C pick in round IV?
  1. Red
  2. Blue
  3. White
  4. Green
  5. CBD
Q2. What is the sum of the points scored by A in round IV and that by B in round II?
  1. 7
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 6
  5. CBD
Q3. Which ball was picked exactly three times?
  1. Green
  2. Red
  3. Yellow
  4. Blue
  5. CBD
Q4. Who picked the blue ball in round IV?
  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. Blue ball was not picked
Q5. How many times was the yellow ball picked in all the four rounds put together?
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. CBD

Correct Answer 1

c. White

Correct Answer 2

e. CBD

Correct Answer 3

b. Red

Correct Answer 4

c. B

Correct Answer 5

a. 1

3. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

In a Rolo Polo tournament, three teams; Team A, Team B and Team C were in the fray for the final winners position. Each team consisted of two members, one of whom was labelled as Rolo and the second member as Polo. The peculiar characteristic of all the Rolos was that they never lied whereas all the Polos always lied. The names of all the six participants are Aryan, Bryan, Cyan, Dyan, Evan and Friam. 

The conversation of all these participants with an outsider was as follows:

  1. Aryan : Cyan is representing team B.
  2. Bryan : None of Aryan, Cyan and Evan is from Team A.
  3. Bryan : Bryan is from Team B.
  4. Dyan : At most one of Aryan, Bryan and Evan is Polo.
  5. Evan : Friam and I are in different teams.
  6. Friam : Dyan is a Polo from Team B.
  7. Aryan : Bryan is from Team C.
  8. Cyan : Evan and I are from the same team.
Q1. Who among the following is from Team B?
  1. Bryan
  2. Dyan
  3. Friam
  4. Aryan

  1. Only I
  2. Only II
  3. Only III
  4. Either I and IV or II and III both
Q2. Which of the following is the right combination?
  1. Team B – Evan
  2. Team A – Bryan
  3. Friam – Rolo
  4. Dyan – Rolo
Q3. Who among the following is in Team A?
  1. Cyan
  2. Evan
  3. Aryan
  4. Dyan
Q4. What can be said about the following two statements?
  1. Friam is from Team A.
  2. Evan is from Team C.

  1. Statement I is false, while II is true.
  2. Both the statements are false.
  3. Both the statements are true.
  4. Cannot be determined

Correct Answer 1

b. Only II

Correct Answer 2

d. Dyan – Rolo

Correct Answer 3

c. Aryan

Correct Answer 4

c. Both the statements are true

4. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

At Mumbai Lion’s club every new member is given 1 point at the start of the month. A member earns points only when he/she attends fortnightly meets. At the end of each month points earned by members during that month get reset. On the basis of the past records, certain members are given some points at the start of the month. Highest number of points a member can have in a particular month is 8. Points earned/given are always in integers. 

  1. A, B, C, D, E, F are six members.
  2. Only C and D are newly joined members. Also, no other member has 1 point at the start of the month.
  3. When a group of people attends a meet, there will be no change in points of the member(s) who has/have the highest points in this group and for other members in this group, their points will increase by x each where x is two less than the member(s) with the highest points in this group.
  4. F is the only member with maximum of 8 points at the start of the month and there is no other member with that many points at any stage of the month.
  5. First meet is attended by F, B and E.
  6. Second meet is attended by everybody except A and F.
  7. At the end of the second meet, A had 5 points.
Q1. What is the increase in the average of points obtained by the six members after the first round as compared to the initial points at the start of the month?
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. Cannot be determined
Q2. What is the sum of the total points earned in all the fortnightly meets?
Q3. Who has the lowest points at the end of the second meet?
  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. A,C,D
Q4. Who had the same scores after completion of the second meet?
  1. C,D
  2. B,E
  3. Both C,D and B,E
  4. Cannot be determined

Correct Answer 1

c. 2

Correct Answer 2


Correct Answer 3

d. A,C,D

Correct Answer 4

c. Both C,D and B,E

5. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

Mr. Sharma’s family consist of Mr. Sharma, his wife, son and daughter. Each of the family members is either a singer, dancer, lawyer or engineer. No two family members have the same profession.

The following conditions need to be always satisfied:
1. If the singer and the dancer are of the same sex, then the dancer is older than the singer.
2. If neither the singer nor the dancer is the parent of the other, then the singer is older than the dancer.
3. If the singer is female then the lawyer and engineer are of the same sex.
4. If the singer is a man, then the singer and the dancer are of the same age.
5. If the singer and the dancer belong to opposite sexes, then the male among them is older than the female.
6. If the dancer and lawyer belong to opposite sexes, then the lawyer and the dancer are of the same age.

Q1. Who is the singer?

  1. Mr. Sharma
  2. Mr. Sharma’s daughter
  3. Mr. Sharma’s wife
  4. Mr. Sharma’s son
Q2. How is the lawyer related to the singer?
  1. Father
  2. Daughter
  3. Mother
  4. Son
Q3. Which of the following is the only married couple?
  1. Lawyer – singer
  2. Dancer – engineer
  3. Lawyer – dancer
  4. Singer – Engineer
Q4. Who is the engineer?
  1. Mr. Sharma
  2. Mr. Sharma’s son
  3. Mr. Sharma’s daughter
  4. Mrs. Sharma

Correct Answer 1

b. Mr. Sharma’s daughter

Correct Answer 2

a. Father

Correct Answer 3

c. Lawyer – dancer 

Correct Answer 4

b. Mr Sharma's son

6. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

Five persons, Gautam, Kumar, Lalit, Naren and Raj, joined a company in 2015. Each of the five persons joined for a different monthly salary among Rs.20,000, Rs.30,000, Rs.40,000, Rs.60,000 and Rs.80,000, not necessarily in the same order. However, each person joined at the beginning of a different month of the year and received his monthly salary each month, starting from the month in which he joined. Further, none of the five persons received any salary in 2015 before joining the company.

The following information is known about the month in which they joined and the monthly salary and total salary received by each person in 2015:
  1. No two persons joined in the same month and no one joined the company in the months of February, July or October.
  2. Raj joined at least four months before Gautam did, and the total salary that he received in 2015 was less than that received by Gautam.
  3. Naren, whose monthly salary is not Rs.40,000, received a total salary of Rs.4,80,000 in 2015.
Q1. What is the total salary (in Rs.) received by Kumar in 2015?
Q2. How many persons joined the company before the end of June?
Q3. In which month did Gautam join the company?
Q4. What is the total salary (in Rs.000) received by Lalit in 2015?

Correct Answer 1


Correct Answer 2


Correct Answer 3


Correct Answer 4


7. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

Exactly sixty persons participated in a sports meet. Each person who participated speaks at least one language among English and French and plays at least one sport among Hockey and Basketball.

The following table provides the number of persons, among the sixty, for any combination of language that they speak and sport that they play:

DILR Condition Based Set 4

In the table above, the value in the second column and second row (i.e., 37) indicates the number of people who speak French. The value in the second column and third row (i.e., 24) indicates the number of people who speak French and play Hockey.

Q1. How many persons speak both French and English and play both Hockey and Basketball?
Q2. How many persons speak French but not English and play Hockey but not Basketball?
Q3. Of the persons who speak exactly one language, how many persons play only Hockey?
Q4. The number of persons who play both Hockey and Basketball but speak only French is the same as the number of persons who
  1. speak both English and French and play only Hockey.
  2. play only Basketball and speak only English.
  3. play only Hockey and speak only French.
  4. play both Hockey and Basketball but speak only English.

Correct Answer 1


Correct Answer 2


Correct Answer 3


Correct Answer 4

d. play both Hockey and Basketball but speak only English.

8. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

There were five running races of distances 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m and 500m. The following data relates to the relative positions of the five particpants – Santosh, Murugan, Bala, Rajan, and Kabilan – in each race. 

In each race, there were five ranks assigned to the five participants. The person who came first, second, third, fourth and last in a race got ranks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The person who came first in 100 m came last in 200m. The person who came first in 500m came last in 100m. Murugan and Kabilan secured all ranks, i.e. they were in all positions in one race or the other. Rajan came second in 200m and 400m and Murugan was first in 100m. Bala did not come first or second in any race and was last in one race. The person who came first in both 300 m and 200m, came last in 500m. The person who came first in 400m, came last in 300m. The persons who came third in 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, and 500m were Bala, Kabilan, Bala, Santosh, and Murugan respectively.

Q1. Who came first in the 300 m race?
  1. Santosh
  2. Murugan
  3. Bala
  4. Kabilan
Q2. Who secured the fourth rank more than once?
  1. Santosh
  2. Kabilan
  3. Bala
  4. Rajan
Q3. If the ranks secured by each runner are added, then the racer with the minimum sum of ranks is:
  1. Santosh
  2. Rajan
  3. Bala
  4. Cannot be determined
Q4. Who got the same rank more than once?
  1. Santosh
  2. Santosh and Bala
  3. Bala and Rajan
  4. Santosh, Bala and Rajan

Correct Answer 1

a. Santosh

Correct Answer 2

c. Bala

Correct Answer 3

a. Santosh

Correct Answer 4

d. Santosh, Bala and Rajan

9. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

As the CEO of a multinational company, Aurobindo receives mails from ten of his offices located in the following regions: Arizona, Bangkok, Chicago, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, Greece, Holland, Indonesia and Japan.

However, his assistant messed up the simplicity of reading the mails. He labelled these locations from 1 to 10, not necessarily in the same order, but forgot the numbers he had assigned to the locations. If the numbers were arranged in ascending order from 1 to 10, he had the following information:

  1. E was numbered 5 and F was numbered 10.
  2. E’s number was as much greater than D’s as it was less than A’s.
  3. G had the smallest number and H was numbered 5 places away from G.
  4. I and B were adjacent to each other and J was numbered greater than I.

The alphabets mentioned above corresponded to the initial character of each location.

During a certain week on all working days (Monday to Saturday), Aurobindo had received mails from four locations everyday.
Except for two locations from where he did not receive any mail during the entire week, he had received mails from all other locations exactly thrice.

The sum of the position values of the locations he had received the mails from were as shown below:

DILR Condition Based Set 4

Q1. Which two locations did not send any mail to Aurobindo?
  1. Bangkok and Ethiopia
  2. Arizona and Bangkok
  3. Arizona and Indonesia
  4. Cannot be determined
Q2. On which day could Greece not have sent any mail to Aurobindo?
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Friday
Q3. If Japan was numbered at most three places away from Bangkok, then the location(s) from which he definitely received the mails were:
  1. Bangkok
  2. Arizona
  3. Chicago
  4. Chicago and Indonesia
Q4. Which location definitely did not send any mail to Aurobindo?
  1. Arizona
  2. Indonesia
  3. Bangkok
  4. Greece

Correct Answer 1

d. Cannot be determined

Correct Answer 2

d. Friday

Correct Answer 3

d. Chicago and Indonesia

Correct Answer  4

a. Arizona

10. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 4

Six friends, Eshitaa, Aboli, Anu, Maya, Gabbu and Humera, from class III were recently discussing their results. They had ranks from 1 st to 6 th , not necessarily in that order, in the following subjects: English, Hindi, Maths, Social Science, Drawing and Music. Strangely, none of the friends were ranked the same in any two subjects and no two were ranked the same in any subject.

Same in any two subjects and no two were ranked the same in any subject.
  1. Either Anu or Gabbu was ranked 3rd in English.
  2. Either Aboli or Humera was ranked 2nd in Hindi.
  3. Either Anu or Maya was ranked 1st  in Drawing.
  4. Eshitaa was ranked 6 th in English.
  5. Humera was ranked 2nd  in Drawing.
  6. Anu was ranked 4th  in Music.
  7. Gabbu was ranked 3rd in Hindi.
  8. The friend who was ranked 2 nd in Hindi was ranked 1st in English.
  9. The friend who was ranked 5th  in Hindi was ranked 2nd  in Music.
  10. Eshitaa was ranked 1st in Hindi only if Gabbu was ranked 6thin Music.
  11. Aboli was ranked 3rd in Maths.
  12. Maya was ranked 1st in Maths.
  13. Humera was ranked 4th in Hindi.
  14. If Gabbu was ranked 4th in Drawing, then Eshitaa was ranked 6th in Drawing.
  15. Gabbu was ranked 6th in Music.
  16. Maya was ranked 3rd in Drawing.
  17. Anu was ranked 5th in Maths.
Q1. Who among the following was ranked 1st in Social Science?
  1. Aboli
  2. Maya
  3. Gabbu
  4. Cannot be determined
Q2. Which one of the following statements is false?
  1. The friend who was ranked 4th  in Drawing was ranked 1st  in Hindi.
  2. The friend who was ranked 2nd  in Social Science was ranked 3rd  in English.
  3. The friend who was ranked 5th  in Drawing was ranked 3rd  in Hindi.
  4. None of the above
Q3. Which one, among the following, is the correct order of friends who were ranked 3rd  in the subjects English, Hindi, Maths, Social Science, Drawing and Music, in that order respectively?
  1. Eshitaa, Gabbu, Maya, Humera, Aboli and Anu
  2. Anu, Gabbu, Aboli, Eshitaa, Humera and Maya
  3. Anu, Gabbu, Aboli, Humera, Maya and Eshitaa
  4. Aboli, Humera, Maya, Gabbu, Anu and Eshitaa
Q4. Which of the following statements is true?
  1. The friend who was ranked 1st in Music was ranked 6thin Hindi.
  2. The friend who was ranked 6th in Social Science was ranked 5th in English.
  3. The friend who was ranked 3rd in Music was ranked 2nd in Maths.
  4. None of the above.

Correct Answer 1

c. Gabbu

Correct Answer 2

d. None of the above

Correct Answer 3

d. Anu, Gabbu, Aboli, Humera, Maya and Eshitaa

Correct Answer 4

c. The friend who was ranked 3rd in Music was ranked 2nd in Maths.

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