DILR Condition Based Set 7

1. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 7

Dangal, a national level wrestling competition, had the top five contestants from 9 states viz. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu from 2011-15.  The top five wrestlers for each year were from the following states (in any order):

2011: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh
2012: Maharashtra, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat
2013: Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka
2014: Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab
2015: Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra

In each year, the winner, first runner-up and second runner-up were awarded Rs. 5 lakh, Rs. 3 lakh and Rs. 2 lakh respectively. Rajasthan is the only state whose participant featured in the top three in two consecutive years. The table below shows the total amount of money won by different states (in Rs. lakhs) over the period

DILR Condition Based Set 7

Q1. The runner-up in 2014 belonged to which state?
Q2. What was the prize money won by the wrestlers from Rajasthan and Punjab together in 2015?
Q3. The top three wrestlers of 2013 were from:
  1. Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab
  2. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab
  3. Gujarat, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh
  4. Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra
Q4. The wrester from Maharashtra was a runner up in?

              For every answer, write 999 if CBD.

Correct Answer 1


Correct Answer 2


Correct Answer 3

a. Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab

Correct Answer 4

2012 & 2014

2. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 7

Mr. Chintamani, a shrewd investor on Dalal Street, after witnessing a stupendous downfall in his earnings sat down to analyse his performance over last couple of years as an investor.

The chart below depicts his performance as an investor.

Mr. Chintamani could not recollect what X and Y stood for but knew that X and Y must be definitely from among his Savings, Expenditure and Savings percentage.

Savings = Income – Expenditure

Savings % = (Savings/Expenditure) × 100

All the amounts, i.e. Savings, Expenditure and Income are in Rupees thousands(Rs. ‘000)


Q1. The maximum possible expenditure in Rs’000, of Mr. Chintamani in any of the given years is:
Q2. The least possible income in Rs’000, of Mr. Chintamani for the year 2000 is
Q3. If the savings percentage between two consecutive years differ by percentage points, then what could have been the maximum possible value of m?
Q4. The Savings % of Mr. Chintamani could have been same for at-most of how many given years?               For each answer write 999 if CBD

Correct Answer 1


Correct Answer 2


Correct Answer 3


Correct Answer 4

6 years

3. CAT - DILR Condition Based Set 7

There were these five call centre executives: A, B, C, D and E who sat gossiping during their lunch time on the cubicle numbers that they had. Cubical numbers are natural numbers.

The table gives the details of the conversation that these friends had between them.

Deciphering the table:
From the third row, C says to D that the difference in their cubicle numbers is 6.

Further, whenever the person talks to another person who sits in a cubicle numbered higher than him he would always speak the truth and whenever he speaks to the person who sits in a cubicle numbered lower than him he would tell a lie.

DILR Condition Based Set 7

Q1. What is the cubicle number of C?
Q2. What is the difference in the cubicle numbers of A and D?
Q3. What is the sum total of the cubicle numbers of all these friends?
Q4. This person sits in the cubicle number farthest from the average of the five cubicle numbers. Who is he?

              For each answer write 999 if CBD

Correct Answer 1


Correct Answer 2


Correct Answer 3


Correct Answer 4


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